Although it has been around longer than most other professions, prostitution still remains illegal in many places. Prostitution is a crime that carries serious penalties. If you are facing charges for it, then you need a prostitution defense attorney.
You have been arrested for prostitution. Now, what are you going to do? You need to find the best Tulsa escorts attorney. With Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm attorneys, you get aggressive representation to fight charges. But isn’t that what you expect when you hire the best criminal defense attorney Tulsa has to offer.
Sentencing a felony in Oklahoma can cause tremendous problems. Confidence can cause loss of credibility, inability to work, limit your future plans, affect your career, destroy your family, and rob you of your freedom. This is the reason why you need a criminal attorney who can defend your rights. Choosing a reputable attorney who will vigorously advocate for you is important if you have been charged with any type of misdemeanor or felony.
There are several possible strategies your attorney can use
You don’t have to accept guilt if you are charged with a prostitution offense. You can increase your defenses, including:
Trap: If law enforcement officials persuade you to commit a prostitution offense that you shouldn’t have committed, you can avoid punishment by showing a trap.
No intent: Prostitution requires proof that you intend to offer sex for something of value; or that you intend to give something of value to buy sex. If you did that on purpose, you shouldn’t be found guilty. If you think you are calling escort services, but are actually paying for prostitutes, this is an example of a situation where you have no criminal intent.
Coercion: You should not be penalized if you are coerced into committing a prostitution offense.
Benefits of Prostitution Defenders
If you are guilty of prostitution, then your attorney can negotiate a defense. In exchange for your confession, the prosecution may offer you a reduced sentence. Instead of jail time, you can only get a fine.
If the prosecutor’s evidence is not strong enough to tie you to the crime, then you may not face any consequences. Your attorney can show that the evidence against you is only circumstantial.
Prosecutors need to prove that you intended to commit your sexual act. If there is no evidence of this intention, then he has no case for prostitution charges. Your attorney may be able to demonstrate that there was no intent and no malice. In this case, a judge can dismiss your case.
You have a lot to lose in court. If you want a chance to fight your charges, then you need a lawyer to fight for you. With the help of a prostitution attorney, you can learn what to say to the police. If you talk to the police without a lawyer, you run the risk of incriminating yourself. You can say something the police can use against you in court. Advice from a lawyer is invaluable.
Once you are in court, your attorney can become more useful. Using a carefully crafted defense strategy, your prostitution attorney can help you beat your lawsuit. For example, he will talk to witnesses and ask you about the incident. Then, he will evaluate various strategies and choose the best for your case. A prostitution attorney can help you determine whether this or another defense can help you avoid conviction. To learn more about how an attorney can help with your costs, call today to speak with a prostitution attorney at Tulsa Prostitution Defense Lawyer.